A Part's function is to remind the Conscious Self of the particular Truth it contains, so you can react appropriately to similar situations without having to go through the whole learning process again.
Some of these Parts are quite handy: the Part of you that contains the directions for how to get to the store, the Part that holds all you've learned about managing social situations, that knows all you know about how to drive, cook, or walk... Those Parts of you get those things done, while you go on using your active, conscious mind to think about other things.
Some Parts, however, through being full of information that you no longer actually believe, make your reactions painfully inappropriate to new situations, creates obstacles to change, or limits the choices you allow yourself. This is because, when you create a new Part to hold a new belief, a new understanding, a new Truth, the old ones don't go away.
This, by the way, is why the practice of "affirmations" does not actually work, to change a behavior: If you lay new carpet over stinky old carpet, sooner or later, the smell is going to permeate the new one, too.
Some Parts might be aware enough of your process of growth to go along with it: your new information reaches them, updates their belief systems, and appropriately alters their central Truth. But many are closed systems: they are dormant, perhaps, or so adamant in their Truth, that no new information is going to induce them to change anything!
Parts know what they know: besides the Truth, and all the evidence that reinforces those beliefs, because it is a holographic fragment of a whole person, it contains also the emotions and sensations, the opinions and self-image: the personality of that person, at the age it was created. It is, in effect, a smaller 'person.' And we all know how stubborn a person can be!
So, Part of me wants to go because it's adventurous, and Part of me wants to stay because it's afraid, and Part of me wants to go back to bed because it hates deciding, while another Part of me wants to go eat, because food is so wonderfully distracting...!
This whole personality, created in the image of the original, has the significant difference that it is a copy, and not, in fact, the original. If a Part is really out of touch with the Consciousness it sprang from, it may not have grown at all since it began. It believes itself to be the Self, it has forgotten that you exist.
Some of these Parts are quite handy: the Part of you that contains the directions for how to get to the store, the Part that holds all you've learned about managing social situations, that knows all you know about how to drive, cook, or walk... Those Parts of you get those things done, while you go on using your active, conscious mind to think about other things.
Some Parts, however, through being full of information that you no longer actually believe, make your reactions painfully inappropriate to new situations, creates obstacles to change, or limits the choices you allow yourself. This is because, when you create a new Part to hold a new belief, a new understanding, a new Truth, the old ones don't go away.
This, by the way, is why the practice of "affirmations" does not actually work, to change a behavior: If you lay new carpet over stinky old carpet, sooner or later, the smell is going to permeate the new one, too.
Some Parts might be aware enough of your process of growth to go along with it: your new information reaches them, updates their belief systems, and appropriately alters their central Truth. But many are closed systems: they are dormant, perhaps, or so adamant in their Truth, that no new information is going to induce them to change anything!
Parts know what they know: besides the Truth, and all the evidence that reinforces those beliefs, because it is a holographic fragment of a whole person, it contains also the emotions and sensations, the opinions and self-image: the personality of that person, at the age it was created. It is, in effect, a smaller 'person.' And we all know how stubborn a person can be!
So, Part of me wants to go because it's adventurous, and Part of me wants to stay because it's afraid, and Part of me wants to go back to bed because it hates deciding, while another Part of me wants to go eat, because food is so wonderfully distracting...!
This whole personality, created in the image of the original, has the significant difference that it is a copy, and not, in fact, the original. If a Part is really out of touch with the Consciousness it sprang from, it may not have grown at all since it began. It believes itself to be the Self, it has forgotten that you exist.
Consider the ramifications, if this model is true. Consider how it reframes your own relationship with your ambivalences and confusions and self-limitations. Consider what it implies about your choices and free-will, and habits you deplore but seem unable to change!
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