Friday, September 7, 2012


First of all, this was not my idea. It is a model that comes out of cognitive psychology and neuro-linguistics.  I learned about it through Core Belief Engineering, a therapeutic technique for changing behavior through changing deeply-held beliefs.

Parts:  Each part of our consciousness, sub- and aware, that helps us process and balance our lives, is a fragment of ourselves held in the deeps and shadows of memory until called for.  Each such Part contains at its center, a truth,  along with all the evidence that proves it, the strategies that protect and support it and an alarm system to shove it into the forefront when Reality throws us a situation in which this Part's central truth holds a key to our success, well-being, maybe even our survival.

But wait--There's more!  And this is where it gets really interesting: A Part is actually a fragment of the Self, which is holographic in nature.

One of the things that this means, is that when a bit of a hologram flakes off, so to speak, that bit is not just an odd corner or a random-looking crumb; It is a tiny replica of the whole.  It takes a bit of the energy of the whole--Imagine the light of a hologram being the same amount as was contained in the whole, but is now shared also among its fragments--but the image is complete in both the original and the bit. 

That's what happens when you break a hologram. And so, that's what happens when a fragment breaks away from the Conscious Self, the Mind: a Part is a replica of who you were, the moment you decided that something was true.

(to be continued)

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